Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved?

I am one of those lucky people who struggles to find an answer to this question because I have so many examples to give.

My wife, Julie (warning: lovey dovey gush alert) is the most loving, caring and supportive creature in the entire universe. Seriously, scientists should study her because the amount of love she holds for everyone (especially me) in her heart is superhuman.

Every day for me is an exercise in feeling loved. A soft kiss on the forehead at 7:30am before Julie leaves for work. A book I want appearing on the dining room table because she saw it in a bookshop. A heart sent from her over WhatsApp just because she was thinking about me.

As a couple, we are disgusting. The snuggling, nose-rubbing couple in the corner that everyone thinks are a new romance, but we have actually been married for almost 6 years.

So here is my positive example of love: Julie. Are we surprised? No.

Now excuse me, I have to go give her a hug and tell her that I love her.

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I’m Richard

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